Mar 18, 2022
Dax Sardinha is a human resources expert and talent acquisition specialist who has been helping businesses recruit the most suitable talent for over 19 years. Dax is also director of talent at of Canada Life, which is Canada’s largest insurance provider for groups and individuals across the country. In today’s episode we hear about Dax’s personal journey from talent expert to leader, and some of the most valuable lessons he learnt along the way. Our conversation also covers workplace culture, how to best manage your employees, and the importance of succession planning.
Key Points From This Episode:
“It's encouraging them to speak up, empowering them to really understand that you don't have to do that. You can work your regular shift, there will always be work, work will still come, there always be more.” — Dax Sardinha [0:12:48]
“I've never been a title chaser. For me, it's about the work itself. I love the ability to come in and I said this before is to be able to impact and influence an organization in a positive way.” — Dax Sardinha [0:28:31]
“As long as you're focusing on those values, on that development, you're going to find the job title and the role in the organization that fits you, ultimately at the end of the day.” — Dax Sardinha [0:31:56]
“If you're not passionate about the work that you're doing, you're never going to exceed, you're never going to excel, you'll just get bored and burn out and go somewhere else.” — Dax Sardinha [0:32:23]
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: