Jun 27, 2019
Solvvy Head of Talent, Cortlin Handly, explains how career progression isn't a pyramid so much as an hour glass, as well as the pros and cons of the talent consultant lifestyle.
Jun 20, 2019
NBC Universal's Director of Talent Acquisition Suzan Vulaj, Squarespace's Recruiting Marketing Manager Colleen Finnegan, and Tumblr's Chief of Staff Nicole Nadal discuss how to develop employer value prop, measure employer branding efforts, and how to take the pulse of your company's morale and values.
Jun 13, 2019
Greg Toroosian returns with a fancy new Director title and some great advice for how to make the jump from IC into leadership. Also, how to push back on those pesky hiring managers and build headcount from a need basis rather than a title basis. Rob is pleased with his new hot sauce.